Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snow Much Fun!

It was just one of those days that it snowed, and I wanted to go enjoy it with some of my siblings. We decided to build a snow man. We didn't have any chocolate chips, so we decided to use rocks. (The little kids wanted to make the mouth and eyes with chocolate chips)

We didn't know what to use for buttons until the little kids thought of this wonderful idea of marshmallow hearts. It was hard to put them on and they didn't even last long at all, but oh well it looked cute for a few minutes! 

Brenna decided to hide behind the snow man...

and so did Kenny

Brenna really loves the snowman!


  1. Cute:) wooo first comment! And me likes the "about me" part:)

  2. Thanks Ava! :) Like I say in my "About Me", you do inspire me!
